newsletter 1
June 30, 2019
Catalysts based on Zeolites supports
August 10, 2019

6th Month Meeting of the BIZEOLCAT project

Oslo harbour with boats and yachts at twilight. There are both private and touristic boats, and on background some modern buildings.

All BiZeolCat partners attended and participated in the meetings with presentations on project activities and discussions on how achieving the best outcomes and project results.
The coordinator Ana Villacampa opened the meeting introducing the project aims&scopes Emma Palo – NextChem presented the WP1 activities, the technical economic analysis of BiZeolCat target. Camilla Brencio- Technical University Eindhoven(TUE) introduce WP3 state of the art in light alkanes (propane, butane) dehydrogenations processes to obtain olefins and light aromatics, barriers&opportunities.
Isabel Vincente – Universitat Rovira I Virgili ( introduced WP2, on Synthesis of Zeolites supports. Daniel Firth- University of Oslo (UiO) showed preliminary results on his lab made zeolites.

Sintef, Oslo – Project BiZeolCat Consortium

Sintef, Oslo (NO) – Project BiZeolCat Consortium


Ana Villacampa del Tiempo- BiZeolCat Project coordinator

In WP 4, Ole Swang- Sintef explains the importance of Chemical modelling in understanding how reactions work.
Any innovation must be safe to be really considered a step forward: Human HealthRisk Assessment and Environmental Risk Assessment will be evaluated within the WP 5, presented by Mireia Dilme- Eurecat and Tron Halvorsen – Sintef. And it must be also Standardised, to enter in the market easier, as introduced by Marcos Rodriguez – Asociación Española de Normalización (UNE)
BiZeolCat aims to create a tangible decarbonisation impact implementing a solid exploitation plan: this is a topic for WP6 introduced by Olivier Vallet – Strane Innovation and Stefano Vannuzzi – ERIC Aisbl
To close the first day of works the partners enjoyed local cuisine with a delicious social dinner.
Just the time to rest a bit and in the day 2 works go ahead with WP7 – Intellectual Property Right (IPR) lead by Mereia Dilme – Eurecat.
Then a parallel session of WPs workshop concluded the meeting, discussion next challenges, expected, outcomes, next deliverables and meetings.

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Stefano Vannuzzi

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